而众所周知的迁徙昆虫如蝴蝶和蜻蜓,仅占不到2%。 许多迁徙者是我们熟悉的花园常客,如卷心菜白蝴蝶(Pieris rapae)、家蝇,甚至包括体长仅3毫米的小草蝇(绿蝇科)。 霍克斯补充道:“这真是神奇。当我用网扫过看似空旷的空气,网中却充满了正在这场 ...
另外,该Bt制剂在防治二化螟、稻纵卷叶螟Cnaphalocrocis medinalis Guenee和菜青虫Pieris rapae等害虫上也具有显著效果,并已在华中、华东和珠三角地区等区域进行推广应用。在防治草地贪夜蛾的菌株筛选方面,发现了多株对其具有高毒力的菌株,这些菌株均含有4种杀虫 ...
许多迁徙者都是众所周知的花园居民,如菜粉蝶(Pieris rapae)、秋家蝇(Musca autumnalis),甚至还有只有 3 毫米长的秆蝇(Chloropidae)。 霍克斯补充说 ...
收集了关于病虫害,农业作物疾病公开数据集。 数据集简要说明: 10,816 张多类图像分为七类:(i) 1,902 张带有红蜘蛛螨(Panonychus citri、Eutetranychus banksi、Tetranychus mexicanus)的图像; (ii) 1,426 张 Phytoseiid 螨(Euseius citrifolius、Iphiseiodes ...
Optimization Algorithm,Power Loss,Practical Systems,Real Power Loss Reduction,Exploration Process,Levy Flight,Objective Function,Pieris Rapae,Real Loss,Real Power ...
C. & Papaj, D. R. Patterns of phenotypic plasticity in common and rare environments: A study of host use and color learning in the Cabbage White butterfly Pieris rapae. The American Naturalist 173 ...
All butterflies and moths belong to the order Lepidoptera. Seven families of butterflies occur in the Adirondacks . Butterflies are distinguished from moths in being active during the day, having ...
Plants are often attacked by insects and other herbivores. As a result, they have evolved to defend themselves by producing many different chemicals that are toxic to these pests. As producing each ...
Adult butterflies are commonly seen flying around plants during the day. Adults are white butterflies with black spots on the forewings. Eggs are yellow and oblong, and are on both upper and lower ...
Attract beautiful butterflies to your outdoor area with our easy-to-make fruit feeder. Ideal for observing butterflies, this feeder will help you enjoy these enchanting insects even if you don't have ...