Redwood将与宝马集团约700家经销商和分销中心合作,回收报废电池。电池中95%以上的关键矿物,如镍、钴、锂和铜,将返回电池供应链。宝马发言人Phil Dilanni表示,宝马看中了Redwood将材料返还给电池供应链的能力。
北美宝马公司和Redwood Materials宣布建立合作伙伴关系,回收美国所有电动、插电式混合动力和轻度混合动力宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车的锂离子电池。此次合作体现了对可持续发展的共同承诺,也是在美国建立锂离子电池闭环循环价值链的下一步 ...
The German automaker said it would instruct its dealers to send old batteries from all of its electrified models, including ...
Battery recycling company Redwood Materials gained a new automaker partner today. It has agreed to a deal with BMW of North ...
尽管 EX30 作为沃尔沃最便宜并且体积最小的电动汽车,但上个月在欧洲的销量继续占据主导地位,成为欧洲第二畅销的电动汽车,仅次于特斯拉 Model Y。根据欧洲汽车制造商协会(ACEA)的最新数据,8 月份欧盟的电动汽车注册量下降了 ...
据宝马集团最新消息,宝马集团北美与美国电池回收公司Redwood Materials(红木材料)宣布建立合作伙伴关系, 对美国境内所有纯电动、插电式混合动力以及轻度混合动力的宝马、MINI、劳斯莱斯和宝马摩托车的锂离子电池进行回收 ...
With BMW and Redwood Materials joining forces, is the long-term sustainability of electric vehicles now within reach?
Battery recycling specialist Redwood Materials has just gained another major automaker as a client, signing a partnership ...
BMW is partnering with a leading EV battery recycling company in an attempt to complete a full circular supply chain of ...
BMW will turn to Redwood Materials for recycling of batteries from its EVs, plug-in hybrids, and mild hybrids in the U.S., ...
BMW of North America and Redwood Materials join forces to recycle lithium-ion batteries, promoting sustainability in electric ...
Redwood Materials, which was founded by former Tesla executive JB Straubel, expanded its Tahoe Reno Industrial Center campus ...