From the COLlive inbox: "This past Friday, I left my home with my five-year-old son to run some last-minute errands in the ...
Shmira is advising the community that there is a planned protest on Friday, (September 20) at the Brooklyn Museum located at ...
The Non-Prophet podcast from Raisethon hosted by Zevi Kugelwith Berel and Chani Majesky of the Friendship Circle of Brooklyn.
Members of Crown Heights Chaverim lent a hand to a Crown Heights Hatzalah ambulance that needed help with a flat tire.
After two weeks packed full of Chassidic experiences and meaningful activities, the 'Young Shluchim' Summer Camp - Europe ...
Rabbi Yeruchim Silber, an official at Agudath Israel of America, was surprised to see frum Jews in his old neighborhood of ...
Watch: Shlucha Brocha Leah Sasonkin of Chabad of Metula describes how evacuees have been supporting each other, finding faith ...
Live: Rabbi Sholom Avtzon, educator and a noted author and lecturer on the lives of the Rebbeim and their Chassidim, Farbrengs in Lakewood, NJ. Live Live: Rabbi Sholom Avtzon, educator and a noted ...
Children from around the world were welcomed on their first day at the Nigri International Jewish Online School of the ...
Crown Heights residents gathered on Thursday for the third levaya in the neighborhood, mourning the passing of longtime ...
After much anticipation, the new sefer “Simply Chassidus” has officially been released and is now available from Kehos. This ...
A large crowd was in attendance at the Levaya of Mendel Bluming, a bochur from Crown Heights who was a student in the Yeshiva ...