European Council President Charles Michel addressed the 79th United Nations General Assembly on behalf of the European Union.
At the ministerial meeting on the role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in Gaza, the West Bank and the region, President Charles Michel str ...
The Council has adopted its first reading position on the Single Sky reform, aiming to improve the efficiency of airspace management across the EU.
The EU issued a statement expressing extreme concern about the military escalation between Israel and Hezbollah, urging both parties to urgently implement a ceasefire and respect international humanit ...
The Council adopted a decision to submit, on behalf of the EU, a proposal to change the conservation status of wolves in the Bern Convention.
The Council has today given its final approval to a regulation establishing a framework of measures on the emergency and resilience of the internal market, better known as the internal market ...
uzimajući u obzir pisani dio postupka, uzimajući u obzir očitovanja koja su podnijeli: –        za Aldi Süd Dienstleistungs SE & Co. OHG, C. Fürsen i A. Starcke, Rechtsanwälte, –        za češku vladu ...
SMEI / IMERA: il-Kunsill u l-Parlament jilħqu ftehim proviżorju dwar it-tħejjija għall-kriżi (stqarrija għall-istampa, 1 ta' Frar 2024) ...
1        Zahtjev za prethodnu odluku odnosi se na tumačenje članka 9. stavka 3. Uredbe (EZ) br. 561/2006 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 15. ožujka 2006. o usklađivanju određenog socijalnog zakonodav ...
1        Prin recursul formulat, Comisia Europeană solicită anularea în parte a Hotărârii Tribunalului Uniunii Europene din 6 iulie 2022, HB/Comisia (T‑408/21, denumită în continuare „hotărârea atacat ...