An early science fiction writer, Wells also wrote historical and scientific texts, and much fiction. Author of "The Rediscovery of the Unique", published in The Fortnightly Review (1891), Wells' early ...
Social reformer and freethinker, Annie Besant née Wood wrote many articles on issues such as marriage and women’s rights for Charles Bradlaugh's National Reformer. In 1877 she wrote a book advocating ...
Social reformer and freethinker, Annie Besant née Wood wrote many articles on issues such as marriage and women’s rights for Charles Bradlaugh's National Reformer. In 1877 she wrote a book advocating ...
Robert William Service was born in Preston, Lancashire, England. After spending his childhood in Scotland he came to Canada in 1894, working for the Canadian Bank of Commerce in the Yukon for eight ...
Youngest of Johann Sebastian Bach’s four sons, musician and composer Johann Christian was known as the English Bach. In 1760 he was appointed organist of Milan cathedral and in 1762 he became composer ...
Born Robert Williams Peckham, Rob Morris took the name of his foster parent, John Morris. Educated as a lawyer, he became a lecturer, educator, author, poet, lyricist and—for a time—president of ...
Called "The People’s Poet"—and known as Eddie—Edgar Albert Guest was a British-born American writer whose sentimental and optimistic verses were widely read throughout North America. Several of ...
Correspondence received by the Grand Lodge of British Columbia and Yukon from brethren who are not British Columbia and Yukon Constitution members will be replied to by way of their Grand Secretary.
Freemason Harold Gray (1894-1968)— a charter member of Lombard Lodge No. 1098, Illinois — created Little Orphan Annie in 1924. Little Orphan Annie said about Daddy Warbucks: "With all his mines an' ...
While the association of the pentagram with vampires and werewolves is common in western fiction, in this Japanese series the pentagram only appears briefly in a gas station sign. Based on the novel ...
The appearances of Freemasonry in movies range from the unremarked and irrelevent use of symbols such as the square and compasses on scenery and properties, to the actual enactment of masonic ritual ...