Official PA TV's journalist in the Strip reported that the aid convoys are being "robbed" by "the merchants of war," who then ...
A few days ago, a Palestinian terrorist veered his truck into an Israeli soldier and murdered him. Hamas immediately ...
PA Chairman Abbas' Fatah Movement also condemned Israel's "aggressive and criminal operation," stressing its continued ...
The US embraces the Palestinian Authority as a peace partner and wants Israel to let the PA rule the Gaza Strip. But at the ...
As Hamas has been thoroughly defeated militarily in Gaza, the Head of Hamas' Political Bureau abroad Khaled Mashaal is ...
In July, Palestinian Media Watch reported on a new grant of 400 million euros that the EU would be giving the Palestinian ...
PMW believes that the key to the future is peace education. Our research, however, shows that Palestinian children have not been given that key. More than three decades since the signing of the Oslo ...
Know your facts: Defend Israel from the International Court of JusticeJul 17ICJ this Friday expected to falsely rule that Israeli towns and cities in Judea and Samaria violate international law “Take ...