QUAD summit approaches, Amnesty International Australia has written to Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urging him to raise ...
Amnesty International’s Secretary General Agnès Callamard will be in New York for the opening of the high-level General ...
Responding to the 14-month prison sentence handed to Hong Kong man Chu Kai-pong for wearing a “seditious” T-shirt and mask, ...
This page contains links to Board approved policies, which apply to the Australian Section of Amnesty International - Last update 23/08/2024 Anyone with the links can view ...
Prisoner of conscience Ilham Tohti handed life sentence 10 years ago Governments urged to step up diplomatic efforts to ...
Responding to the news that the UN General Assembly has adopted a resolution today demanding that Israel end its unlawful ...
As the UN General Assembly prepares to vote tonight on a resolution aimed at ending Israel’s unlawful occupation, Amnesty ...
Yaama! Welcome to our monthly CIE Newsletter! We are really excited to share with you some news about our CIE (Community Is ...
Amnesty International Australia has made a submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Reference Committee regarding ...
Amnesty International Australia has made a submission to the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade ...
Responding to plans announced by the German government to impose tighter controls at all of the country's land borders in ...
Israel’s latest military assault in the Occupied West Bank, the largest in two decades, marks a dangerous and unprecedented ...