The Lord is sovereign over all things, and He’s the one who establishes nations and uproots them. In His eyes, they are as influential as “a drop from a bucket” or “a speck of dust on the scales” (Isa ...
It’s our hope today that you’re in a season of abounding joy. But we know that might not always be the case. The troubles of life can easily undermine our joy and rob us of our peace. For those ...
The Bible instructs us, “In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. 5:18). It’s interesting that this instruction was written by Paul, whose loyalty to ...
Relationships can be one of the most vital and rewarding areas of our lives. Yet we often find ourselves at odds with each other due to our differences. But we don’t need to agree on every issue to ...
Two thousand years ago, Christ fulfilled all the signs and predictions in the Old Testament about the first coming of the Messiah. Dr. Stanley explains that the main reason Christ came was to make our ...
Feeling gratitude toward God is a big part of being a Christian—in fact, it probably comes naturally to you. Through faith we have access to His wonderful gifts, from salvation down to the simple ...
Following the Last Supper, Jesus took time to teach the disciples more about His mission and what would happen after He left the earth. He knew their darkest times were ahead. So in today’s passage, ...
And what does it look like to be glorified? If the answers were based solely on earthly values, we might expect domination through power and position would be the best way to achieve both. But when ...