The platform is now compatible with PostgreSQL 17, including metric collection from new views like pg_stat_checkpointer and updated wait event descriptions for better performance insights.
The actual TCapture engine is a Java application which runs as a separate program outside "PostgreSQL" , and which must be started explicitly. When TCapture is running, it will scan the transaction ...
We are excited to announce the release of pgspot 0.8.1, a new version of our vulnerability checker for PostgreSQL SQL scripts. This release includes mostly bug fixes.
We are now accepting proposals for talks and trainings in both Czech and English. As in previous years, the conference is a single-track event with a mix of talks in Czech and English. The talk ...
Genuine authentication failures and related problems generally manifest themselves through error messages like the following. FATAL: no pg_hba.conf entry for host ...
Genuine authentication failures and related problems generally manifest themselves through error messages like the following. FATAL 1: Database "testdb" does not ...