We might not always want to think too hard about it but can be strange to imagine that our fish (or maybe just their ...
We might not always want to think too hard about it but can be strange to imagine that our fish (or maybe just their ...
Are you keeping an illegal crayfish? If you are, you risk a visit from the authorities to have your livestock confiscated. As a retailer, if you’re caught with the wrong species, you could lose your ...
Jeremy Gay introduces what is probably the most colourful fish you can buy for the indoor coldwater aquarium - the stunning Red shiner or Rainbow dace. Red shiners are an attractive cool water fish ...
Aquarists will be familiar with a number of fishes able to move about on land, but scientists have recently discovered one that throws a new light on understanding how terrestrial vertebrates evolved.
Jeremy Gay sets out to confuse us all by creating the grand illusion of a tropical tank set-up but on a leaner, greener budget. I’m only too aware of the everyday issues facing the hobbyist, as they ...
Julies are Tanganyikan cichlids with some very liberal attitudes towards relationships. Ad Konings reveals how a dominant female's eggs can be fertilised by two suitors. At least one representative of ...
New to fishkeeping? This planted aquarium is easy to set up, and is suitable for beginners who would like to grow live plants in their community tank. For our set-up, the aquarium we chose was a Juwel ...
Q) I've learnt the hard way that you really can't afford to skimp on quarantining new fish! I have a heavily planted 120 l tank with around 15 Amano and Red cherry shrimp, five false Julie corys and ...
UK aquarium fish suppliers have been trading in an illegal species of tropical crayfish, Practical Fishkeeping can exclusively reveal. Practical Fishkeeping has learnt of two retailers and one ...
Nathan Hill reports on two illegal fish spotted for sale at a UK retailer's premises. Given the job that I do, I see a lot of fish shops in the UK. In fact, I probably see more shops than some sales ...
Daunted by fertilisers and carbon dioxide? Danny Verboekend suggests it needn’t be so difficult to set up an algae-free, low maintenance aquascape at home. High-intensity lights and high-pressure ...