At Scope, we offer online and offline employment support. All of our employment support services are designed for working-age disabled people. The information below can help you find the right ...
Working on Wellbeing is available in Welsh. Working on Wellbeing is an employment training and support programme for disabled people in Wales. We will work with you to develop a programme around your ...
Get your London Marathon place with Team Scope and support disability equality.
Lucy's younger brother Jake has sensory needs and sees the world differently. My Brother is an Astronaut on Kindle. Meet Charlie Chair and Lily, the walking frame. Haylee's Friends on Kindle. The ...
Energy bills, food bills, care costs, inflation. They’re all rising. That means disabled people are running out of choices. We can’t choose a cheaper tariff. We can’t move to a cheaper flat. We can’t ...
There are 14 million disabled people in the UK. That's 1 in 5 of us. Many impairments and conditions are not immediately obvious. That's why we are supporting ITV to raise awareness of the negative ...
Our impact report looks at how we have worked to achieve our Everyday Equality strategy. Everyday Equality had 3 themes, reflecting the things that disabled people told us are important to them. A ...
Provide your name and contact details. If you are nominating someone else, make sure to include their name and contact details if you have them.
Content accessibility explains how to make our writing, images, videos, and formatting accessible. How we speak about disability covers guidance on specific conditions and impairments. How we write ...
This award recognises disabled people for a ground-breaking and impactful campaign aimed at achieving disability equality. The campaign can have taken place on a local or national level and can have ...
This award recognises a media moment that has had a powerful impact. This could be a soap or drama storyline, entertainment TV show, film, podcast, or any other media format. The media moment should ...
We're excited that you're interested in joining #TeamScope for the 2025 TCS London Marathon. Please carefully review the following terms and conditions. These establish the agreement between you and ...