Dehorning rhinos means taking off their horns to protect them from poachers. White rhinoceros and black rhinoceros horns are ...
Sudanese cuisine is varied by region and Moukhbaza is a favorite recipe in East Sudan. Moukhbaza something sweet and spicy recipe. Sudanese cuisine is as diverse as its geography and cultures. Traders ...
Groundnuts are used as food and for cooking oil. The seeds in Africa are popularly used for thickening soups and stews and as a seasoning. Easy African Groundnut Powder spice is made with a few ...
Yes everything you need for Cape Malay Chicken Curry Recipe is found in your local supermarket. Popular among South Africa Malay people are dishes such as chicken curry. Stews, roasts and baked ...
Homo sapiens left their African homeland to colonize the world. One African tribe crossing the Gate of Grief populated the entire world outside of Africa. The entire human race outside Africa owes its ...
Adinkra symbols are pictures that narrate a history, belief or philosophy. West African Adinkra symbols represent ideas, proverbs, expressions, attitudes, and behavior depicted in simply drawn figure, ...
Kondensmelk Koekies South African condensed milk cookies or biscuits are an easy African cookie dessert recipe for kids to make. Kondensmelk Koekies South African condensed milk cookies are a classic ...
Heat the oil in a large pan and fry onion and spices for about 2 minutes. Add tomatoes, peanut butter and coconut milk simmer 20 minutes or until slightly thick. Add crabmeat. Serve with rice. Coasts ...
Read with your child and share wonderful African folktales, children enjoy listening to many types of African folktales learning from the wisdom and rich tradition of African storytelling. Two women ...
Groundnuts and peanuts are used interchangeably but are not the same. The groundnut taste like chickpeas with a very mild flavor. Arachis hypogaea is the scientific name for groundnuts and peanuts are ...
Hyenas have hind legs shorter than their front legs, this popular Zulu African Folktale explains what happened to Hyenas legs. Wolf and Hyena were together when a white cloud floated by high in the ...
Africa has six time zones and thirteen standard time zone names. Three African countries recognize daylight savings time. The Democratic Republic of the Congo is in two time zones. Time Zones are a ...