As the impact of last season’s challenging growing season remains firmly in farmers minds. Farmers Weekly catches up with ...
Looking back at the spring barley growing season, Barty says there was potential in the crop, but the reduced nitrogen rates ...
He was looking forward to the nice weather this week which was badly needed, although he does not have much fieldwork left to do. The spring malting barley averaged 2.8t/ac at a moisture content of ...
Conall hopes that there might be some fields to cut in three weeks’ time, but that could easily be pushed back once again if the weather does not suit. Tramlines are being subsoiled at present also, ...
The crop was sown on 1 May and it got five days of rain post-drilling, so establishment was poor. Pádraig knew it was thin all year, but is happy that it still passed for malting. Most of the barley ...