A pilot has been applauded after he "shocked" passengers by ordering them dinner following an emergency landing that caused a long flight delay. The United Airlines flight from San Francisco, ...
A United Airlines pilot went above and beyond when he bought pizza for 150 passengers after their aircraft had to make an ...
A United Airlines pilot has been praised for treating flight passengers to dinner after an emergency landing led to a lengthy ...
大眾运输误点难免,就算是飞机也一样,短时间大家都能体谅,但若是误点好几个小时就不同了。日前美国联合航空 (United Airlines)因出现突发状况,紧急转降,导致延误长达7小时,让乘客饿到抓狂,机长得知后立刻自掏腰包请所有人吃披萨。