根据彭博社报道,控股香奈儿的 Wertheimer 家族以及欧莱雅集团继承人 Françoise Bettencourt Meyers 旗下投资公司 Téthys 近日联合收购美国设计师品牌 The Row 少数股权。这是 The Row ...
在时尚界的璀璨星空中,投资与代言如同两颗闪亮的星星,吸引着众多目光。近日,国际奢侈品牌香奈儿与美容巨头欧莱雅共同出手,携手投资备受瞩目的高端品牌 The Row。而与此同时,女神唐嫣也荣膺 Fendi ...
一笔罕见消费融资诞生。 根据彭博社报道,美国极简奢侈品牌 The Row 完成首轮融资,估值达到10亿美元。其中,投资方阵容豪华 集结了法国奢侈品牌 Chanel(香奈儿)控股股东 Wertheimer 家族的投资机构 Mousse Partners ...
A death row inmate in Missouri who has long claimed his innocence and is scheduled to be executed in less than one week asked ...
ERIC SEALS (File/The State) In less than 10 days, South Carolina’s execution chamber will reopen for the first time in more ...
A minister today admitted she 'worries about how everything looks' as she defended Keir Starmer from criticism for taking ...
At times, Freddie Eugene Owens' letters are incredibly vulnerable as he says he's "also human." At others they threaten ...
As a major political and religious controversy erupts over the famous Tirupati laddoo, here is all you need to know about the ...
At the latest installment of New York Fashion Week, certain designers’ political views were front and center at their shows: ...
Wade Wilson, 30, has officially started the appeal process after being sentenced to death for murdering two women in October ...
The Tennessee Supreme Court refused to hear Christa Pike's challenge to her death sentence, but another case won her more ...
The victim was rushed to James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, but surgeons decided it was safer to leave the ...