The end of the Olympics also closed out the feel-good limbo that had frozen French politics. Now President Emmanuel Macron ...
Dear friends and fellow South Africans, The media have been invited to a briefing in which the ANC Youth League will "unveil its plans to make the City of Cape Town and Western Cape ungovernable".
In an interview on, Krone foreign policy doyen Kurt Seinitz analyzes the current situation in Germany following the AfD's election triumph in the federal states of Saxony and Thuringia ...
Yet, due to the intricate election results in Thuringia and Saxony, novel configurations are necessary to avoid stagnation and ungovernability. The CDU must contemplate whether it is amenable to the ...
Writing in Business Day on Friday, Professor Anthony Butler suggests that the ANC Youth League (taking its cue from the ANC of the mid-1980s) is only pretending to make the Western Cape "ungovernable" ...
The anti-Mélenchon wing of the French Socialist Party raises its head and calls for a government agreement with Macronians and Republicans. Among the rebels is also the mayor of Paris, Anne ...