Born in 1987 in Sanming, Fujian province, Qiubi said that she got her first Canon compact camera, a gift from her father when ...
9 月 23 日,Sam 发了一篇名为 《智能时代》(The Intelligence Age[1])的文章,从远古聊到未来,写的挺长,我将中文对照翻译放在了文章最后一部分(建议大家细细阅读)。关于 AI,我之前也写过一些思考(AI 浪潮下的一些浅思 ...
9月24日,OpenAI CEO山姆·奥特曼(Sam Altman)罕见地在其个人社交平台X上发表了一篇长文,题为《智能时代》("The Intelligence Age"),引发了超过百万次的观看。
阿根廷总统米雷伊(Javier Milei)本周抵达美国纽约,准备出席24日揭幕的联合国大会各国高阶代表总辩论。米雷伊周一(23日)也抽空见了拥有特斯拉(Tesla)、SpaceX等科技公司的美国亿万富豪马斯克(Elon Musk)。马 ...
The “rub” can be readily understood in the context of golf. Have you heard of golfers say that they’ve “not had the rub of ...
The adobe dwellings(土坯房)__61__(build) by the Pueblo Indians of the American Southwest are admired by even __62__ most modern of architects and engineers. In addition to their simple beauty, what makes ...
“当一艘船沉入海底,当一个人成了谜。”这是电影《后会无期》主题曲的第一句歌词。 方励是《后会无期》的制作人,因为这部电影他知道了东极岛,因为来到了东极岛,他听到了里斯本丸沉船的零碎故事,从此开始了长达八年的研究探寻之路。“我觉得到了(《里斯本丸沉没》 ...
美国总统乔·拜登 (Joe Biden)星期二 (9月23日)将发表他在联合国大会上的最后一次总统演讲,重点将包括中东冲突、乌克兰战争以及与中国的竞争等议题。
Rather than risking it becoming a dampened down affair, Azul SKL took the decision to move their big Mexican Festival back a week to this Saturday, September 28. The good news is that it will now star ...