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也就是说,如果Loopt的事业失败了,奥特曼可以重回大学并获得学士学位。奥特曼离开斯坦福大学创办Loopt时只有19岁。后来,这家提供早期定位服务的初创公司取得了不大不小的成功:事实证明定位技术有广阔的前景,位置服务很快成为从银行到游戏,再到新闻的几 ...
China has urged its citizens in Israel to leave "as soon as possible," as tensions between Israel and Lebanon's Iran-backed ...
HANGZHOU, Sept. 22 (Xinhua) -- China is working on serving a more diverse range of food options for future deep-space exploration missions, according to the Second Frontier Forum of Space Medicine ...
The deepening agricultural cooperation in local communities, exemplified by the sci-tech backyards, has not only boosted ...