博士后职位:发育与疾病中的 RNA 相互作用和修饰机制. 南加州大学的鲁志鹏博士实验室招聘两个由 NIH 资助的博士后研究员。鲁志鹏博士现任南加州大学助理教授(加州洛杉矶市),曾获得Damon Runyon博士后奖以及核酸学会青年科学家奖 (RNA Society Scaringe Award)。
(Top left) ©2010 DigitalGlobe (Source: U.S. Department of State, Next View License) and (Main photo) ©2017 DigitalGlobe (Source : U.S. Department of State, Next View License) ...
这天,达伦(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰)和他的女儿高高兴兴前往体育馆观看冰上曲棍球比赛。因这是一场十分关键的比赛,所以体育馆内人山人海,很多达官贵人也前来观战助威。不料人多拥挤,达伦和女儿走散了。四出寻找女儿的达伦,女儿没找到 ...
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比如,对于下面这个 examples.csv 文件: "text",label "the rock is destined to be the 21st century's new conan and that he's going to make a splash even greater than arnold schwarzenegger , jean- claud van damme or ...
In August 2005, he set a junior world record for the 10,000 metres on the track, recording 26:41.75 at the Van Damme Memorial. A few weeks later he broke the world road record for the half-marathon, ...