More than half of American states have abolished the death penalty or hit pause on executions. Less than half —47%—of ...
The government is trying to cancel a plea deal for Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, accused of masterminding the attacks. But a clause ...
Alan Eugene Miller’s execution was the fifth in the last week, drawing national scrutiny to convictions and execution ...
The execution—one of a recent spate across several states—has raised questions about the future of the death penalty in ...
All five men were executed within one week in five different states, a period political scientist Austin Sarat condemned as ...
The court in Japan ruled that critical evidence used in 88-year-old Iwao Hakamada's original 1968 conviction was fabricated.
A review of Ohio's death row in wake of Missouri execution Tuesday shows 114 inmates, including 8 from Franklin County and 2 ...
The ruling by Tokyo's Shizuoka District Court brought an end to Iwao Hamakada's status as the world's longest serving death ...
The public reaction to McCaffrey's execution contributed to the success of a movement to end the death penalty in Wisconsin ...
The Republican nominee for Missouri governor wouldn’t say whether he supported or opposed Marcellus Williams’ execution, ...
Some progressives re-upped calls to abolish the death penalty, while conservatives lauded the execution for providing closure ...