Editor’s Note: Since the reform and opening-up, China has undergone profound transformations, with foreign multinational companies playing a key role. As important participants, they have provided ind ...
In an interview with SFC, Andrew Criezis, the President of E-Commerce & SMB at NIQ, shared his insights on the question of ...
已停运接近3年的香港网媒《立场新闻》母公司,以及两名前总编辑钟沛权、林绍桐,被控“串谋发布煽动刊物罪”,经历接近两年的司法程序,星期四在区域法院判刑,法官不同意辩方指两名被告是误堕法网,重判钟沛权监禁21个月,而辩方呈交医疗报告指最近病情恶化的林绍桐 ...
El presidente chino, Xi Jinping, alentó hoy lunes al personal de la industria espacial de China a seguir trabajando duro y ...
Broad研究所刘如谦团队将Cas9缺口酶(nickase)分别与APOBEC家族胞嘧啶脱氨酶或通过分子进化得到的大肠杆菌腺嘌呤脱氨酶TadA融合,开发出可实现C到T碱基转换的胞嘧啶碱基编辑器(Cytosine base editor,CBE)以及A到G碱基转换的腺嘌呤碱基编辑器(Adenine base editor ...
Los trenes de alta velocidad de China funcionan actualmente a velocidades de entre 200 y 350 kilómetros por hora. El tendido ...