Are New York state voters waking up to the looming disaster caused by the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA) of 2019, which eliminated nuclear and fossil fuel based electricity by ...
During the 19th century, electrolysers were used in various industries. One such example is metallurgy, in which metals such ...
Green hydrogen produced from electrolyzers – demand to rise. In its July-published hydrogen import strategy, the Federal ...
Fig. 5. The end-to-end CO 2 electrolysis system. Finally, power for lunar and Martian ISPPs are discussed. Every form of ISPP is power hungry. Providing power for ISPP on the Moon or Mars is a ...
Doing the rounds among motorcycle enthusiasts for the last week has been a slightly unusual machine variously portrayed as running on water or sea water. This sounds like the stuff of the so ...