Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and its analogues have been extensively used in clinical medicine since they were identified and synthesized in 1971. Native GnRH stimulates gonadotrophs of ...
有性生殖(sexual reproduction)是一种以协调方式发挥功能的复杂调节系统网络,在这一框架中,其中最重要的分子就是kisspeptins,其是一种主要在下丘脑中所产生的特殊蛋白,在调节生殖系统中扮演着重要的角色,近日,一篇发表在国际杂志 Journal of Clinical Investigation 上题为 “Kisspeptin signaling in astrocytes ...
2023 年 11 月 17 日,安斯泰来与辉瑞共同宣布了一个重大消息:恩扎卢胺(其商品名为 ...
The Cass review of the care of children and adolescents with gender dysphoria was a wake up call.1 Having commissioned ...
There has been a trend for years of children reaching puberty at earlier ages, and the reason why has largely mystified ...
One of the types of neurons known to play a key role in the reproduction of mammals are the so-called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurons. These neurons, which are primarily located in ...
New research suggests a compound found in a wide variety of products may send a signal to an area of the brain that triggers ...
GnRH agonists can delay the bone age advancement and subsequently improve the final adult height. Method: Sixty eight girls with central precocious puberty and early puberty with a mean age of 9 ...
中国网财经9月12日讯 今日,欧加隆中国宣布与上海宝济药业股份有限公司 (“宝济药业”)及其全资子公司苏州晟济药业有限公司 (“晟济药业”)就辅助生殖领域创新在研药物SJ02达成供应和转让协议,欧加隆中国将获得SJ02在中国大陆的独家商业化权益。
青海牦牛人工授精技术得到全面推广27000余头牦牛已完成授精本报讯(记者王臻通讯员麻明)青海省农业农村厅近日公布消息,今年以来,我省在30个县开展牦牛人工授精技术推广,计划授配3万头,截至目前,已完成牦牛人工授精27066头,占全省任务总量的90%, ...
A new study suggests that musk ambrette, a compound frequently found in personal-care products, could trigger hormone ...