Based on the Greek verb hermēneuō (to interpret), hermeneutics investigates interpretation’s theory and practice. From ...
自18岁远跨重洋赴中国香港做交换生开始,安乐哲先生的人生轨迹就此转变。一次为诗歌创作积累人生经验的东方之旅,意外地开启了他研习、翻译、传播中国哲学的道路。受劳思光、唐君毅等学者的影响,安乐哲对中国哲学产生了浓厚的兴趣。这段早年的求学经历,不仅塑造了他 ...
To fully grasp its meaning, we must honor the text as it is written, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide us within sound ...
One of the clearest examples of this phenomenon of overlooking the obvious is the way supersessionists (those who hold that ...
It s an episode in Jesus biography that causes some of the top theologians to shrug their shoulders and admit they don t know ...
I recommend it for all students of hermeneutics and religion who want a fresh perspective on Christianity and its ancient ...
Showing the range of Duke scholarship, new books by university authors providing a variety of reading materials, from poetry ...
Hershael York was one of the invited speakers to a Friday news conference organized by The Commonwealth Policy Center as a ...
Today, day six of teaching two sections at Saint Joe’s, I proposed that the students put away their phones once they enter ...
The Teleios Society is proud to announce that registration is open now for the 2025 Teleios Conference, taking place February ...
Daniel, L. (2024) Mitigating the Barriers to Female Inclusion in the Mining Sector: A Framework for Change. Open Journal of Business and Management, 12, 3208-3222. doi: 10.4236/ojbm.2024.125161 .