2015;11(2):151-159. There are currently no data investigating the risk, or effect on diagnosis, of leiomyosarcoma in the other medical or hormonal treatments of fibroids such as the levonorgestrel ...
Uterine fibroids are the commonest tumor in women. By the age of 50, 80% of Afro-Caribbean and 70% of Caucasian women will have at least one fibroid. [1] It is one of the commonest clinical ...
So if this is you, you’re far from alone. There are some medical treatments available for fibroids, but could dietary interventions help too? Possibly. Let’s dive in. If fibroids are small and not ...
While uterine fibroids can be a significant concern for working women, understanding the symptoms is essential. By following ...
Dr. Jacob White, Medical Director, USA Fibroid Centers, received a Flora Award from Dr. Yan Katsnelson and his daughter Beatrice, for his a ...
Yeast Infection: "Yeast infections are often associated with yellow discharge, but it is possible that the yellowish ...
Recognizing the urgent need for support, Harris teamed up with Griffiths, a fourth-year medical student at ... offset the costs associated with fibroid treatment. Recently, The Beauty of Our ...
Khaleelah I. L. Harris, a recent myomectomy patient and Yasmine Griffiths, a 4th year medical student at Howard University School of Medicine nonprofit 'The Beauty of Our Wellness.' ...