The study objective was to evaluate the association of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). The design was a meta-analysis of nine case–controlled and cohort ...
PPIs help treat certain acid-related conditions, such as acid reflux and stomach ulcers. While most PPIs come in oral forms, ...
8月份,全国工业生产者出厂价格环比下降0.7%。 9月9日,据国家统计局,8月份,全国工业生产者出厂价格同比下降1.8%,环比 ...
而受市场需求不足及部分国际大宗商品价格下行等因素影响,PPI环比、同比均下降。 国家统计局9月9日发布的数据显示,8月份CPI(居民消费价格指数 ...
Currently, coxib therapy is more expensive than combination therapy using a nonselective NSAID plus a PPI. Conclusions: Compared with combination therapy including a nonselective NSAID and PPI ...
Many PPIs are only available with a prescription from a healthcare provider, but some may be purchased over the counter. Although PPIs are effective treatment options, they take time to work.
每经AI快讯,美国8月PPI同比上升1.7%,预估为1.7%,前值为2.2%;美国8月PPI环比上升0.2%,预估为0.1%,前值为0.1%。 如需转载请与 ...
导语: 美8月PPI支持通胀继续回落,美股全线收涨,科技股推动标普纳指四连涨;欧央行如期再次降息25基点;AI新时代?OpenAI推出首个具有推理能力模型o1;巴菲特主要副手抛掉半数伯克希尔持仓;吉利德艾滋病预防药物再次展现积极结果。
昨夜今晨, 随着最新与预期一致的美国PPI数据出炉 ... 成为历史首款非处方(OTC)听力辅助软件。FDA表示,根据用户的听力需求进行定制后,安装 ...