In addition to the puja bonus, the memo further stated that the employees can avail the amount just once in a financial year.
TORONTO - Rebuilding the Toronto Raptors and making them one of the top teams in the NBA again is a project that starts from ...
最近,沉寂一年的脱口秀圈,重新热闹起来了。相比往年,今年的女脱口秀演员数量有了明显提升。 除了杨笠、思文、李雪琴、鸟鸟,更多的女性拿起话筒,走到聚光灯下。 她们讲起月经、催婚、旺夫、重男轻女、性别刻板印象、女性继承权等这些一直被认为是“小众”,但实则是占据人口数量约1/2的有关女性的议题。在男演员们更多地在分享生活琐事时,女演员们则展现出那些常被人忽视的女性困境。 “我们家有四个孩子,大姐、二姐、 ...
9月10日,山东省庆祝第40个教师节暨优秀教师表彰活动在济南举行。2024年度,共计526位教师荣获“山东省优秀教师”称号,山东外事职业大学汤春华老师因其卓越的教学成就和对教育事业的突出贡献而名列其中。这一殊荣不仅是对汤春华老师个人辛勤付出的高度肯定,更是对学校在师资队伍建设方面所取得成绩的充分肯定。 汤春华老师作为山东外事职业大学的一名资深教师,多年来始终坚守在职业教育的第一线,以高度的责任心和 ...
California now has some of the toughest laws in the United States to crack down on election deepfakes ahead of the 2024 election after Gov. Gavin Newsom signed three landmark proposals this week at an ...
Rosemary is a creepy TNA legend that has won gold as part of Decay, but there are some things fans may not know about her!
One of Sydney’s most revitalised neighbourhoods is ushering in what locals have described as a “new era”, with a multimillion ...
TORONTO - Jeremy Dutcher has won the Polaris Music Prize for his second album, “Motewolonuwok.” For the first time in the ...
Real-estate investment trusts, or REITs, have outperformed the broader market since July, when a softer-than-expected inflation report bolstered expectations the Federal Reserve would lower interest ...