硬氪获悉,珠海市硅酷科技有限公司(以下简称「硅酷科技」)日前完成亿元级战略融资,本轮融资由中车资本、哇牛资本(汇川高管系基金)和闻芯基金 (上市公司闻泰科技下属基金)领投,资金将用于加大碳化硅预烧结键合设备批量交付和先进封装HBM设备的商业化。
盖世汽车Seeds报道, 近日,珠海市硅酷科技有限公司(以下简称“硅酷科技”)完成亿元级战略融资,本轮融资由中车资本、哇牛资本和闻泰科技下属基金闻芯基金领投,资金将用于加大碳化硅预烧结键合设备批量交付和先进封装HBM设备的商业化。
To address these challenges, the semiconductor industry is transitioning to Thermocompression Bonding (TCB) for advanced fine-pitch bonding applications, including pitches as small as 10μm. TCB offers ...
Li, Chonghe Soh, Kitty Chi Kwan and Wu, Ping 2004. Formability of ABO3 perovskites. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol. 372, Issue. 1-2, p. 40.
36氪 的报道
作者|黄楠 编辑|袁斯来 ...
Best 1-yr total return (Invalid Date)1.03% Worst 1-yr total return (Invalid Date)-2.27% ...
Vietnam's benchmark VN-Index rose 0.50% to 1,271.27 points Thursday while some Asian markets surged to new records.The index ...