Perhaps the best way to identify a tree of heaven is by smell. Crushed leaves, broken twigs, and scraped bark all give off a strong, sharp, offensive odor. Although sometimes likened to the smell ...
Additionally, the Tree of Heaven contains chemicals that prevent other native trees from growing. Never found in shaded areas, if an area of forested trees loses its leaves from disease or damage ...
Tree-of-heaven thrives in very poor soils, in exposed locations, and under tough growing conditions, which allowed it to become widespread in many urban areas. It exudes chemicals from its leaves, ...
So, they have a really good food source in the tree of heaven. They also acquire toxic compounds from that food source that makes them unpalatable to birds. They're related to aphids and leaf ...
Every autumn we revel in the beauty of the fall colors. The mixture of red, purple, orange and yellow is the result of chemical processes that take place in the tree as the seasons change from summer ...
The colours are absolutely stunning. When leaves are green they are working as organs for the tree. The green colour comes from a part of the cell called chlorophyll, which processes sunlight into ...