The Toledo Xignex Trojans are poised to continue their pursuit of becoming the champions of the Professional Chess ...
“希望以年轻人喜爱的审美方式,展示厚重的侨批历史,让侨批文化被更多人看见。”福建省泉州市档案馆副馆长陈若波说。 今年6月,泉州市档案馆发布侨批主题IP“阿批仔”和“小侨妹”,推出系列文创周边产品。“阿批仔”头戴斗笠,以穿梭于山海递送侨批的批脚为原型;“小侨妹”头顶簪花,以留守家乡翘首期盼侨批的侨眷为原型。 侨批被国学大师饶宗颐赞誉为“侨史敦煌”。“侨批”源于闽南语,“批”即为“信”,是海外华侨华人 ...
近年来,泸州市泸县立足大城市周边县城定位,按照“营城创新、宜居宜业、城乡一体”工作思路,坚持农业农村优先发展,畅通城乡要素流动,统筹乡村基础设施和公共服务布局,加快推进城乡融合发展,助力建设宜居宜业和美乡村。 聚力城乡建设融合 构建 ...
有些人在咳嗽、打喷嚏或者运动的时候,就会控制不住地漏尿,这种情况,在医学上叫做压力性尿失禁。近日,青岛市海慈医疗集团泌尿外科接诊了一位56岁的患者王女士,医护团队为患者实施经阴道前壁经闭孔尿道中段悬吊术,手术非常成功,患者高兴之情无以言表。据了解,王 ...
Jewish American groups immediately criticized Trump's comments, accusing him of citing stereotypes about Jewish people.
Building & Infrastructure business Wavin announced its agreement with Microsoft to tackle water stress and promote water ...
Much Love #WNM.” Henry’s message resonated with Washington fans, who responded with an outpouring of support and well wishes. His graceful farewell is a reminder of the human side of ...
The former deputy Chief Financial Officer for the Jacksonville Housing Authority has been arrested. The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office arrested Gregory Williams on Wednesday. He’s charged with ...