BEIJING, Sept. 21 (Xinhua) -- There is some good news for farmers in Yinjiayuan, a village in Jiangsu Province, east China.
Beijing, 13 set (Xinhua) -- He Weidong, vice-presidente da Comissão Militar Central, reuniu-se na sexta-feira com convidados estrangeiros de Mianmar, África do Sul e Paquistão, que estão na capital ...
BEIJING, Sept. 13 (Xinhua) -- He Weidong, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission, on Friday met with foreign guests from Myanmar, South Africa and Pakistan, who are in Beijing for the ...
China will host a friendly, united and fruitful Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit next year, Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong said Monday. Sun said China has taken the rotating ...