推动非洲发展的非政府组织Abantu人员拉比巴雷瓦(Rabia ...
新疆伊宁有座老城,叫作喀赞其,与喀什古城的黄色不同,这里的街道满是宁静安逸的蓝。In Yining, Xinjiang, there is an ancient town called Kazanqi. Unlike the yellow tones ...
The "debt trap" narrative promoted by Western powers against China "is highly hypocritical," Honduran Vice Foreign Minister Gerardo Torres told Xinhua in a recent interview on the sidelines of the ...
The transatlantic slave trade, spanning four centuries, generated immense wealth for Western nations and played a critical ...
Western Acquisition Ventures Corp. (NASDAQ:WAVS),一家专门从事计算机编程服务的公司,于周一签订了两份重要的承兑票据。第一份协议涉及与其赞助商Western Acquisition Ventures Sponsor LLC签订的本金为255,555.56美元的承兑票据,允许公司借入最多230,000.00美元用于与Cycurion Inc.的业务合并相 ...
Confucius belongs to not only China, but also the world. Confucius thought shines brightly at all corners of the globe. Confucius thought, like an invisible thread, connects people of different colors ...
H.C. Wainwright对Western Copper and Gold (NYSE: WRN)保持积极看法,重申买入评级,目标价为4.25美元。 该投资公司的立场受到公司最近关于Casino矿业项目进展报告的影响。Western Copper and Gold于8月12日宣布取得重大进展,特别是在更新向Yukon环境和社会经济效应(ESE)评估委员会提交ESE声明的时间表方面。 ESE声明 ...
Western Electric 美国西电(后简称 WE)自从推出 91E 300B 管机,受到了各界的关注,浴火重生的 WE 后续动作不断。今年,他们就大动作推出新款扩大机,当中甚至还有定价 10 万美金以上的 100M 单声道后级,WE 的企图新可见一班。
缅甸主流媒体团19日赴中国交流参访,第一站来到了广州。这是外交部、中国驻外使领馆今年组织的第十批次外国主流媒体访问广州。A delegation comprised of chief editors, journalists and editors from state-owned and private media institutions in Myanmar embarked on its ...