Part of the larynx, to which the vocal folds (vocal cords) are attached From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ...
The vocal muscle is the upper portion of the thyroarytenoid muscle which is primarily involved in producing speech. A few fibers extend along the wall of the ventricle from the lateral wall of the ...
Laryngeal hemiplegia is characterized by paralysis or paresis of one or both arytenoid cartilages, frequently reported in horses. In cattle no reports have been found yet. The diagnosis is based on ...
A man in his 80s with long-standing left-sided throat discomfort presented with hypophonia and odynophagia. A flexible nasoendoscopy revealed a supraglottic mass in the left arytenoid. An urgent ...
“particularly a muscle on the left side of the throat whose main function is to keep the flap (arytenoid) of the throat open. “If you put a large stress (such as the strong negative pressures ...