Brazil’s LD Celulose (LDC) and Oceânica Engenharia are preparing to sell up to $1.03 billion worth of bonds in the ...
Asyad Group, in collaboration with OQ Alternative Energy and Sumitomo Corporation Middle East FZE, announced a joint study agreement to explore the potential of establishing Oman as a global leader in ...
A lack of data is "not a good excuse anymore" for not disclosing on deforestation, the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has said, as it releases new guidance for financial ...
The UK government and FMO, the Dutch entrepreneurial development bank, announced today a $55 million commitment to ...
Tech giant and enhanced rock weathering specialist agree to spread 65,000 tonnes of crushed silicate rock in the UK and ...
By Andre Romani and Gus Trompiz SAO PAULO/PARIS (Reuters) -French shipping giant CMA CGM plans to acquire port terminal ...
DA Davidson 已经修改了对微软公司 (NASDAQ:MSFT) 的评级,从"买入"调整为"中性",同时将目标价格维持在 $475.00 不变。 这一调整是基于观察到竞争对手在人工智能领域已经赶上了微软,而人工智能一直是该公司此前高估值的重要因素。 根据 DA Davidson 的说法,人工智能技术的竞争格局已经演变到微软的领先优势已经减弱的程度。 这一变化导致了对这家科技巨头股票的重新评 ...
目前,哪吒汽车已在巴西圣保罗设立子公司,计划年底前将经销商扩展至30家,并积极推动筹建KD组装工厂。哪吒汽车在南美已陆续在墨西哥、厄瓜多尔、哥斯达黎加等地布局,不断推出新车型,拓宽销售网络。2024年哪吒汽车加速全球化战略布局,坚持“深耕东南亚市场, ...
在其他近期新闻中,Meta Platforms Inc继续在科技板块掀起波澜。BofA Securities维持对该公司的买入评级,预计将推出先进的AI聊天选项以及WhatsApp和Messenger的新AI功能。该公司还预计Meta将在即将举行的开发者活动上提供其不断增长的开源语言模型Llama的最新信息。Meta还可能宣布新的AI订阅服务,但可能性较小。
CDPQ acquires Chinook Forest Partners; BTG’s Reforestation Fund sells 1.3m carbon credits to tech giant Meta; Australian ...
近日,哪吒汽车与巴西百达投资银行(BTG ...
近日,杭州宇树科技获得北京机器人产业发展基金等机构的投资,注册资本由约239.91万元增至约259.42万元。 宇树科技成立于2016年,专注于消费级和行业级高性能四足机器人及灵巧机械臂的自主研发、生产和销售。(界面新闻) ...