据消息人士透露,Chanel所有者Wertheimer家族和欧莱雅继承人Francoise Bettencourt Meyers近日分别通过家族办公室Mousse Partners和家族企业Tethy Invest收购了美国设计师品牌The ...
去年火爆全球的《芭比》女郎, 玛格特罗比 (Margot Robbie),成为 香奈儿5号香水,最新代言人 。 从释放的海报可以看出, 一头金发 、 红色CHANEL套装的玛格特罗比 ,完美诠释了CHANEL N°5 独立、鲜明、性感与迷人的女性形象 ...
The family that owns French luxury house Chanel and the billionaire heiress of L’Oréal have both purchased a stake in the Oslen twins’ brand. According to Bloomberg, the family behind Chanel ...
The family behind luxury brand Chanel and the billionaire heiress of L’Oreal have bought a stake in the fashion label The Row, founded by the Olsen sisters. The Wertheimer brothers, via their ...
在8号风球生效期间,大埔发生「趁风」打劫案。今(6日)凌晨零时许,据报有5人持刀闯入大埔南坑村一村屋地下单位,掠去12个包括HERMES ...
President of fashion Bruno Pavlovsky says the Hong Kong market is key – and he won’t let online speculation affect his creative director pick French fashion house Chanel’s restaging of its ...
Chanel is getting ready to blend luxury and tech with its latest offering (and some help from Lily-Rose Depp). The luxury brand is easing into the tech space with its Première Sound Watch ...
At Chanel’s fall 1999 ready-to-wear show, the set was stark and open, and models walked around an oval with 1999 printed in its center. There was a touch of the medieval—perhaps even ...
“香港时装设计周”在11月底首度举行,国际时装名牌Chanel的时装业务总裁Bruno ...
The uber-luxe Première Sound Watch is here to join the cheapo wired buds revolution, despite being the very opposite. If you buy something using links in our stories, we may earn a commission.
继Louis Vuitton男装骚之後,国际时装名牌Chanel宣布,将於11月5日於本港举办「2024/25早春度假系列」时装秀,并选址香港知专设计学院(HKDI)为场地。 纺织及制衣界立法会议员陈祖恒表示,接连有国际品牌以香港作为时装秀的「落脚点」,证明香港在国际舞台的竞争力,亦反映香港具备条件,担当亚洲区内首屈一指的时装纺织枢纽及品牌交流中心;为香港时装业界「打下强心针」,并能够促进旅游、贸 ...
"Il Diavolo Veste Prada", nonostante i suoi 18 anni di età, mantiene il suo fascino, grazie alla rilevanza dei suoi riferimenti a famosi brand di moda come Starbucks, Valentino, Donatella Versace, e C ...