Advocates are pushing for reforms after finding that vets average a three-decade wait for full help with toxic exposure ...
This highlights the need for continued vigilance and action. Another dangerous chemical employed in the military that caused ...
Defoliation has begun – or is ready to begin – in most areas across the upper Southeast, Mid-South, and Central Texas, with ...
The Ukrainian military has begun using drones with thermite spraying capabilities at the front. However, they are capable of ...
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before; A young Jersey City council candidate who grew up in the suburbs takes on the Hudson County machine and wins a seat in mostly-gentrified Ward E, becoming a ...
A key compound of the deadly defoliant “Agent Orange,” used in the Vietnam War, was sprayed from planes to deliberately kill ...
The herbicide and TCDD — a dioxin impurity formed in the manufacture of 2,4,5-T products — came to wider notoriety following their use in the Vietnam War-era defoliant Agent Orange, a 50-50 mixture of ...