For example, proteases break down proteins, and dehydrogenases oxidize a substrate by removing hydrogen atoms. As a general rule, the "-ase" suffix identifies a protein as an enzyme, whereas the ...
These reactions also occur efficiently and selectively in living organisms catalyzed by enzymes. Among them, Alcohol Dehydrogenases (E. C. 1.1.1) (ADHs) have emerged in the last decades as useful ...
The application of pharmacogenetics in identifying single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in DNA sequences that cause clinically significant alterations in drug-metabolizing enzyme activities is ...
短链脱氢酶(英语:Short-chain dehydrogenase,或称为短链脱氢/还原酶家族,英语:short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases family,缩写SDR) [2 ...
(2015). "A Novel Cofactor-binding Mode in Bacterial IMP Dehydrogenases Explains Inhibitor Selectivity." J Biol Chem 290(9): 5893-5911. Makowska-Grzyska M, Kim Y, Gorla SK, Wei Y, Mandapati K, Zhang M, ...
I am an environmental microbiologist who studies microbial communities in diverse ecosystems. Microbes (Bacteria and Archaea) are ubiquitous in the environment and play essential roles in the cycling ...
Peanuts containing 658 mg * of potassium are a good source of this vital mineral (Table 1). Zinc is a cofactor for most of the dehydrogenases that require the coenzymes NAD and NADP. This mineral also ...
Dr. Yee's research interests span a variety of biomedically important proteins and enzymes with interesting mechanistic questions. Her lab has studied proteins involved in drug metabolism, ...
Furthermore, we identify a switch in energy metabolism from aerobic glycolysis to pyruvate oxidation and tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle in chondrocytes as a central mechanism in the early stages of ...
STGD1型Stargardt病是一种遗传性视网膜退行性疾病,与突变的ATP结合盒,亚科A,成员4(ABCA4)基因有关。STGD1是幼年黄斑变性最常见的形式,发病于儿童时期至成年早期或中期,可导致进行性、不可逆 ...
Upregulated genes in the oxidative phosphorylation machinery included both ATPases, NADH dehydrogenases and cytochrome c oxidase, indicating a general increase of activity in this pathway. HAMLET was ...