DPBS faculty member Samantha Abram, PhD, and postdoctoral scholar Xiyu Zhu, PhD have been awarded 2024 Young Investigator ...
Two DPBS faculty psychologists have been selected as the first recipients of a pair of new department awards honoring the ...
血管生成(Angiogenesis)是从已有的毛细血管或毛细血管后静脉发展而形成新的血管,其对于器官生长、胚胎发育和伤口愈合在内的多种过程十分重要。 图片来源Bing Images 血管形成实验(Tube formation assay)是体外研究血管生成的经典方法,该方法可快速确定参与 ...
Briefly, motoneurons were grown for 6 DIV on laminin-111-coated glass coverslips and washed twice with DPBS. Cells were fixed in paraformaldehyde lysine phosphate (PLP) buffer (pH 7.4) containing 4% ...
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Peer ReviewDownload a summary of the editorial decision process including editorial decision letters, reviewer comments and author responses to feedback. DNA i-motif structures are formed in the ...