在8月26日凌晨,LOL人气解说DYS正式宣布解散,直播间主事人孙亚龙现在已经躺进医院,准备做支架手术,西卡也需要回去调理身体静养,后续交由二台、三台进行免费开播锻炼能力。目前孙亚龙已经正式发文,DYS与B站的直播合同8月31日到期,他先去医院做搭桥手术提前在直播间进行了“遗产分配”工作。在8月31日之后,DYS直播间会交由二台跟三台的兄弟接手,免费开播维持人气直至到LPL季后赛决赛跟冒泡赛再由孙 ...
that’s on our case load so, we go all the way straight to the hospital and we entertain and respond to those cases,” said DYS ...
中间停摆这一周的时间,让观众们身上像有蚂蚁在爬。而作为LPL热度最高的二路解说,DYS笑笑今日突然带来了一则重磅消息; 另一边,不少LPL队伍 ...
DYS是LPL知名二路解说团体,昨晚已经吃了散伙饭,宣布解散。大老板笑笑也发博表示:“再见啦各位,886!” 说是解散,但这两天冒泡赛,DYS还是在 ...
今日G2就又一次击败了FNC,拿下了今年的第四个冠军; 另一边,LPL的知名二路流解说DYS近期正式宣布解散。不过,情况并非完全没有转机。笑笑发布 ...
Rock Hill, South Carolina police said an 18 year old male was shot in the head Aug. 25, 2024 outside a McDonald’s. Police in ...
日前,中机试验 (872726)披露2024年半年度报告。2024年1-6月公司营业总收入为2.44亿元,较去年同期下滑0.98%,净利润为2136.69万,较去年同期增长15.49%,每股收益0.2元,净资产收益率为4.95%,每股经营现金流量为0 ...
South Carolina police are investigating after a 2-year-old boy died in a shooting Wednesday in the Chester County town of ...
Ricky Roderick Price is the second Price brother to sue after he and Travis Price were arrested on June 23, 2021. Charges ...
The missing swimmer was one of two people Sunday evening whose boat was pushed away by wind after going swimming, the S.C.
A Taylor Swift-themed event at a Fort Mill restaurant has been postponed after political comments online threatened to flood ...