As the countdown to the 7th China International Import Expo begins, Shanghai has unveiled its theme city image film, ...
还是据kopite7mimi的爆料,GB202共有96个TPC,支持512bit GDDR7显存,GB203的TPC数量则为42个,支持的GDDR7显存则为256bit。
BEIJING, Sept. 26 (Xinhua) — Beijing has entered a moderate aging society, with the permanent elderly population in the city ...
Designed as a "lightweight riverside living destination," the New Bund Red Lane seamlessly connects to a multi-level ...
Over the past 75 years, New China has made remarkable progress that not only benefits the Chinese people but also creates ...
HANGZHOU, Sept. 25 (Xinhua) -- The third Global Digital Trade Expo opened in Hangzhou, capital of east China's Zhejiang ...
周五,吉吉·哈迪德 (Gigi Hadid)在巴黎时装周上的Vetements t台秀上,身着一件用DHL包裹胶带制成的迷你裙,将时尚推向了新的高度,证明了她是完美的。 Just made one for the wife whilst taping up some boxes.
风铃绿地及景观亭的重建修复为孩童开辟了一片崭新的游乐天地。苏州河曾是列强建立工厂、运送资本和廉价劳动力的黄金水道,为了纪念苏州河的这段历史,BAU在儿童游乐场的设计选材中,将废弃货船上的救生艇、系船柱以及部分船壳加工定制成游乐设施,打造出一个集历史教 ...
Yet, the proof of the Chinese gaming industry going gangbusters is far beyond that. At the Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 2024 kicked ...