DETERMINATION of residues has become an important aspect of herbicidal research. Efforts are continually being made to increase the sensitivity of known tests for the chemical analysis of a large ...
二氯异噁草酮的核心化合物专利,具体见下: 美国专利:专利号:US4405357A;专利名称:Herbicidal 3-isoxazolidinones and hydroxamic acids;专利申请日:1981-05-11;专利权人:FMC Corporation; 虽然二氯异噁草酮的化合物专利已经过期,但是富美实围绕二氯异噁草酮的合成和 ...
The terminology for herbicidal additives is confusing. It is often assumed that any material that lowers the surface tension of water in the spray mixture or increases the wetability of the spray ...
氟氯氨草酸(fluchloraminopyr)是清原农冠2019年自主研发的吡啶氧羧酸类新型非选择性除草剂,目前农药商品化的产品为其酯,即氟氯氨草酯。从其骨架结构上看,可认为氟氯氨草酯在氯氟吡氧乙酸(fluroxypyr)的β-羰基位引入甲基得到氟氯氨草酸后,与四氢糠醇酯化得到 ...
Weeds can be a gardener's worst enemy, as they can quickly take over and ruin the look of your garden. But experts have ...
This disrupts specific plant processes and often leads to a plant’s death. This herbicide-enzyme relationship is very specific, and any chemical modification of the herbicide or enzyme can eliminate ...
Pre-emergent versus post-emergent herbicidal weed control is a topic that can elicit a bit of controversy amongst lawn care ...
However, household vinegar (5% acetic acid) is too lenient on that leafy foe. Go all "Rambo" with the herbicidal counterpart ...
Visitors to SALTEX looking to discover the future of weed control need look no further than stand H068 - where they can find the world-leading non-herbicidal solution, Foamstream. Following another bu ...
Crews from more than a half dozen agencies in two states deployed to spots all over Pymatuning Reservoir the past two days in search of a noxious weed that spreads through bodies of water like smoke ...
In one of our previous studies, the ethyl acetate extract from pomelo seed was found to exhibit good antioxidant and herbicidal activities and contain naringin, deacetylnomilin, limonin, nomilin, and ...