TOKYO - Japans incoming prime minister Shigeru Ishiba will fill key party posts on Monday followed by a new Cabinet on ...
In a televised interview on Sunday, Ishiba, did not discuss his cabinet appointments, but suggested he may call a general ...
Japan's incoming Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba suggested on Sunday (Sept 29) that he was willing to consider a snap election ...
Japan's incoming prime minister Shigeru Ishiba is poised to call snap elections for October 27, local media reported Monday, ...
TOKYO — Japan's incoming prime minister, Shigeru Ishiba, will fill key party posts on Monday (Sept 30) followed by a new ...
The yen fell as the market’s shock subsided over Shigeru Ishiba’s victory in the leadership race of the ruling Liberal ...
被认为货币政策立场偏向鹰派的石破茂(Shigeru Ishiba)赢得执政党党魁大位,并将顺理成章成为下一任日本首相,受日圆急升影响,周一东京股市全面崩跌,日经225指数早盘收跌1,849.22点或4.64%,报37,980.34点,失守3 ...
The reports emerged after Ishiba said on Friday that he wants to call an election in the country to shore up his mandate ‘as ...
Shigeru Ishiba, Japan's incoming prime minister, is set to fill key posts in his party and cabinet amidst a fractious ...
Japan’s next prime minister, Shigeru Ishiba, is set to name party veterans to senior posts in his cabinet as he broadly ...
Japan's incoming prime minister, Shigeru Ishiba, will fill key party posts on Monday and announce a new Cabinet on Tuesday as ...