Charles Townes played a crucial role in the invention and realization of the first masers and lasers, for which he shared the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics. Nature Materials speaks to him about his ...
Africa stands at the precipice of a technological revolution, and Prateek Suri, CEO of Maser Group, is leading the charge who ...
The recent interest in ruby (chromium-doped corundum) as a paramagnetic material for use in masers and lasers has directed attention to the imperfections of the flame-fusion crystals. In ...
So if Mendez and co are correct, the Wow! Signal would be the first recorded observation of an astrophysical maser. The second problem is that masers need an energy source. Mendez and co suggest it ...
Signal would be the first recorded observation of an astrophysical maser. The second problem is that masers need an energy ...
In the late 90s and early 2000s, his pioneering studies utilizing high spatial resolution observations from the first generation large-format mid-infrared detectors led to a fundamental understanding ...
1933), a German-born radio astronomer, joined Bell Labs in 1958. He had done his PhD on using masers (microwave amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) to amplify and measure radio ...
That's exactly what the Maserati Ghibli 334 Ultima is, though, and today it's getting the frenzied retirement party it really ...
When better intrinsic stability or smaller absolute frequency errors are needed, we may use atomic resonators [4]. Rubidium and cesium clocks show better aging characteristics than simple crystal ...
Abstract: A urine collection system includes a urine collection device configured to collect urine discharged from a user and ...