It matters how we live, and how we die. Not because of some religious injunction threatening hell, but because life’s a stage for learning. That accords with the “No-hiding theorem” of quantum ...
Even the most purblind politicians and commentators prepared to blame Israel for all ills in the Middle East must now concede that the greatest threat to peace in the region is Iran and its proxies.
With Ashoka's conversion in the mid-third century B.C.E., the teachings of the Buddha quickly spread throughout India. Many men and women joined the Sangha as professed monks and nuns. One of the ...
12. 2008) were observed, with emphasis on meeting the rules Level A, and to methodology instructions of project “Blind Friendly Web 2.3” of the United Organization of Blind and Purblind of the Czech ...
There is a standard model of Indian social history that is influenced heavily by colonial prejudices. According to this: --The Vedic Hindu religion imposed a birth-based varna-jati system in India ...
Although his literary works are by no means uniformly successful, Peter Ackroyd may safely be described as an author possessed of genius, and had he died before attaining middle age (like Bruce ...
There's no question about Grindrod's passion for freedom, but he also has purblind eye for conducting himself under material stress. He is, as the saying goes, too much of a manager of his own brand; ...