A legal battle is brewing between Nintendo and an alleged Nintendo Switch modder, Ryan Daly, who reportedly owns and operates ...
Pro se legal filing denies all of Nintendo's accusations, offers some novel defenses.
Nintendo is suing the alleged owner of the website Modded Hardware. Ryan Daly is accused of aiding and contributing the the ...
Ryan Daly AKA “Homebrew Homie” has refused to shut down his Modded Hardware business and is taking the fight to Nintendo in ...
The alleged owner of Modded Hardware, the company behind many pirated Nintendo IPs and Switch consoles, has responded to ...
Just what kind of thought process causes you to head straight into a legal battle with Nintendo, of all companies, without a ...
今年7月,任天堂向美国密歇根州的一家名为ModdedHardware的商店及其老板RyanDaly提起诉讼,指控其长期以来一直从事Switch破解业务。诉讼显示,3月份任天堂曾联系RyanDaly并要求其停止这种行为,但他并未遵守承诺,在 ...
据TorrentFreak报道,他对任天堂的每一项指控都进行了简短的回答,要么直接否认,要么就声称他没有足够的信息来承认或否认,因此予以否认。 任天堂在诉讼中还称,Ryan Daly不仅向客户出售破解机器,还提供邮寄服务,让玩家把他们的Switch寄出,并将其破解后寄回,寄回的机器通常会安装上盗版游戏。
在一场引人注目的法律对决中,一位被任天堂起诉的Switch改装芯片卖家否认了所有指控,并似乎打算将自行辩护,不聘请律师而正面对抗任天堂。 任天堂于7月对密歇根州的Ryan Daly提起诉讼,后者经营着一家名为Modded ...
A modder that is allegedly the owner of the company that Nintendo claims offers solutions to play pirated Nintendo games has ...
The alleged Nintendo Switch modder who refused to shut down their business despite a warning from Mario maker Nintendo now ...