SHI will carry out the design for the LNGC and Lloyd’s Register will provide the review of SHI deliverables and technical advice for further design development ...
越南工贸部欧美市场司副司长阮草贤表示,《越南与欧盟自由贸易协定》(EVFTA)自生效4年来已成为越南与欧盟保持双边贸易增长势头的重要“助推器”。仅2024年前8个月,越南与欧盟双边贸易额就达近450亿美元,同比增长15.8%。其中,越南对欧盟出口额达 ...
The three medical missions served over 1,000 local residents, offering services including orthopedics, pediatrics, and ...
(Yicai) Sept. 24 -- Starbucks has promoted the co-chief executive officer of its China arm to CEO as the US coffee chain ...
在陪同越共中央总书记、国家主席苏林出席联合国未来峰会、第79届联合国大会并在美国开展各项活动期间,越共中央政治局委员、中央军委副书记、国防部部长潘文江大将于当地时间9月23日在纽约会见了联合国负责维和事务的副秘书长让-皮埃尔·拉克鲁瓦(Jean-Pi ...
最近看到一则广告人破防的消息,很黑色、很幽默: 其实这只是泰坦尼克号的离舰通知,而不是大船撞上冰山的那一刻。 因为品牌广告的危机早就开始了,当互联网这座巨大的冰山出现时,品牌广告的泰坦尼克号大船就已经撞了上去,撞出大裂缝,不断进水,日益倾斜。 品牌广告像泰坦尼克号一样富丽堂皇,却无法避免,互联网冰山撞出的传媒生态巨变。 只是到今天,才因为蕉下以及众多企业的品牌部裁撤事件,彻底拉响了品牌广告人的离船 ...
Speaking at the e4m D2C Amazon Masterclass 2024, Viraj Bahl, Founder & MD of VRB, spoke about the importance of consumer ...
The United States holds Hezbollah responsible for suicide bombings in 1983 that destroyed the U.S. Marine headquarters in ...
品牌联名的本质是为了破圈,触达一个陌生的人群,挖掘出更多的潜在用户。 - IP联名多线齐发:涵盖传统文化、二次元及游戏、儿童线等多个领域。与光·遇、三丽鸥家族、故宫等联名,强化品牌本土化发展;与逆水寒、间谍过家家等联名圈粉年轻人;针对小 ...
Moksh Chopra, General Manager, KFC India BMU, shares insights about initiatives to promote the speech and hearing-impaired ...
Learn which TV channel or how to live stream the Rutgers Scarlet Knights vs. Washington Huskies game, Friday, Sept. 27.