All About Cherry Blossoms in Japan ...
Japan-based journalist born in China’s Henan province, Sun is mainly in charge of coverage, articles, and compilation relating to Japanese-Chinese economics for “中文導報” (Chinese Review Weekly), a ...
對日本及旅遊有莫名執著,除粉絲團有即時分享旅遊狀態及情報外,部落格能看到不少更詳細的旅遊資訊,而深夜上傳的美食照片或直播則是讓大家又愛又恨。 我是嫁給日本人的台灣人妻。 喜歡分享成為日本主婦後學習到的實用生活小妙招和日本流行事物。
We love Japan, and we hope we can help you find something you can love about it, too! We're always looking for something fun, weird, exciting or intriguing to highlight just how fascinating this place ...
创新制法之一:将水喷在墙纸上使其形成纹样。 将水滴滴落在和纸表面,使其形成如月球陨石坑般的纹样。 距离滝制纸所五分钟车程的冈太神社和大泷神社里供奉着纸之女神川上御前。“相传1500年前,女神教会了村民和纸的制作方法,正因为女神在这里所以这 ...
Hello! I'm Neal, from Jacksonville, Florida. I've been living in Japan for almost seven years now, first in Gunma Prefecture and now in Kanagawa. I run an international school in Kawasaki and when I'm ...
「haveAnice 有质读志」是一家关注文化、生活、流行,以日系情报资讯为主的线上杂志, 并且提供台湾难得一见,日系艺术家与台湾生活形态相关的最新资讯, 读者在此也能透过社群功能串连自己喜欢的情报观察员与阅读内容,进而打造自己专属的网路读志。
Beauty products journalist who is familiar with beauty market in Japan,America,France,UK,China,Taiwan,Hongkong and korea. Published in English, OISHII is an informative magazine from Singapore that ...
Recreating the texture of a wall plaster design using washi. One innovative method is the use of spray from a hose to create designs on wallpaper. Water droplets are splashed on the washi mix to ...
Jinichi Segawa 최종 업데이트 2018년 3월 14일 관련 기사 ...
Thomas Shiozaki 최종 업데이트 2016년 3월 30일 관련 기사 ...