Mirroring parapet adobe structures prevalent along the US-Mexico border, the Marfa Suite, located in its namesake Texas town, provides its residents with a truly immersive regional experience. A ...
An urban masterclass in innovation, Singapore can offer valuable experience-based insights about living better by design. Zooming in on key focus areas – sustainability, emerging technology and ...
This week’s curation of new hospitality, retail and exhibition openings takes you from Venice and São Paulo to West Hollywood and Paris. Open at Venice’s Fondazione Giorgio Cini until the end of ...
Consumers are hungry for escape and retailers are responding, increasingly turning to ‘weird and wonderful’ store designs to ‘re-enchant’ consumers hungry for an escape from the everyday, we wrote on ...
Reflecting on the agile thinking everyday life requires, FRAME's design director Barbara Iwanicka explains how our Autumn issue embodies the idea that flexibility births great design. After three ...
One size doesn’t always fit all. In our latest selection of curated products from Material Bank – an ultra-efficient sampling service with over 40,000 materials from hundreds of brands – we explore ...
FRAME’s Autumn issue is all about designing in the age of uncertainty. How can creatives – and their projects – be receptive and resilient to (continual) change? Here, we outline what you’ll find ...
In her editorial for the new Autumn issue of FRAME, editor in chief Floor Kuitert argues that for creatives working in today’s complex world, the ability to design for an unpredictable future – to be ...
Green Building Council of Australia and Hassell teamed up on a report discussing how to increase social value in the built environment – and make it easier to measure. With Social Value in the Built ...