The yearslong effort to sow doubt about America’s generally free and fair elections poses real risks for the 2024 balloting.
The arrest of a former top aide to New York’s governor reinforces the need for vigilance and strong enforcement, but a ...
Peter Bass is Managing Member of Kingswood Holding, LLC, an international investment and advisory firm. Previously, he worked for more than 10 years in senior positions at the State Department and the ...
The Honorable Jane Harman is a former nine-term congresswoman from California and former ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee, a position she held for four years after 9/11. She recently ...
Martin Etchevers is the Head of Communications of Argentinian media firm, Grupo Clarin, where he began his career in 1993, first as a journalist and later in Institutional Relations. In his current ...
Dr. Dionisio Gutiérrez is a Guatemalan businessman, activist, and communications specialist and is currently president of Fundación Libertad y Desarrollo. He began working in his family business at ...
Bill Reichblum is the publisher of Liberties, a journal of Culture and Politics. The international quarterly is a publication of the Liberties Journal Foundation, co-founded by Reichblum, that is ...
Carole Corcoran is the former general counsel, director of special projects and corporate secretary of International Crisis Group, an independent not-for-profit, non-governmental organization whose ...
Tom Kahn is a distinguished faculty fellow at the Center for Congressional and Presidential Studies at American University and a senior consultant at the Cormac Group, a Washington, DC public affairs ...
Mark D. Goodman is chairman and chief executive officer of Colorado Nut Holding Company. A former economic and foreign policy advisor to Sen. Edward Kennedy, Goodman previously served as executive ...
Michael Chertoff is the Executive Chairman and Co-Founder of The Chertoff Group, a global advisory firm that provides business strategy, risk management, and mergers and acquisition (M&A) advisory ...
David L. Fogel is a nonresident senior fellow in the Forward Defense practice of the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security and a member of Forward Defense’s Gray Zone Task ...