Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador says US arrest of infamous cartel leader triggered violence in Sinaloa state which has resulted ...
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said Thursday that both sides of the Atlantic need each other in the face of growing ...
Israeli killing of Palestinians 'is not self-defense. This is genocide,' says Rashida Tlaib after 649-page document names ...
US Secretary of State vows continued efforts for Gaza cease-fire, French foreign minister says Lebanon 'would not recover' ...
Prime Minister Barnier submits government proposal to President Macron with political deadlock since snap parliamentary ...
Lübnan'ın, salı ve çarşamba günleri çağrı cihazları ve telsizlerde meydana gelen patlamalarla ilgili Birleşmiş Milletler ...
Committee expresses concern about high number of children in Gaza 'killed, maimed, injured, missing, displaced, orphaned and ...
A rhinoceros with a broken leg at the Knowsley Safari Park in the UK, successfully regained mobility following a first-of-its ...
Armenian statement labeling operation as 'attack against Nagorno-Karabakh,' 'ethnic cleansing,' is 'unacceptable,' says ...
Израильские СМИ пишут, что атаки были «крупномасштабными», ливанские власти пока не сделали никаких заявлений по поводу ...
- و12 جريحا، وفق وكالة "وفا" ووزارة الصحة الفلسطينية - سحب الجيش الإسرائيلي آلياته وجنوده من البلدة، وفق شهود عيان للأناضول - ...
Благодаря ALKA Турция получила важный потенциал для защиты от беспилотных летательных аппаратов-камикадзе - Anadolu Ajansı ...